Clifford Chance hopes video game can help identify trainee talent

The firm is adding an innovative new legal video game to the arsenal of assessment tools it uses to uncover the best and brightest aspiring trainees.

Oleg Dudko

Vacation scheme students at the Magic Circle firm have been asked to trial a new video game designed to assess and analyse players’ personality traits and professional qualities. The game has not yet been introduced as a sifting tool for trainee applicants, but it is understood that Clifford Chance is considering using the game alongside existing psychometric and critical reasoning assessment tools if the pilot is deemed successful.

Deepening the profile

Clifford Chance graduate recruitment manager Jackie Trench is staying tight-lipped about the actual contents of the game, hinting only that the game has the potential to offer ‘unique insights into candidates’ decision making abilities.’ However, according to reporting in Legal Cheek, the way that candidates interact with the game process carries far more weight in how they are assessed than their actual performance throughout the game. Whether a candidate takes the time to read the game rules, whether they choose to persevere despite setbacks, and how they approach decision-making are among the types of covert tests that maybe be buried within the game.

Sources: Legal Cheek; Lawyer2B; Australasian Lawyer

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