Ireland considers introducing pre-nups as demand from farmers rises

Seven in ten Irish farmers support the introduction of pre-nuptial agreements - as the farming community says that the possible splitting up of farming land has caused 'huge tension' in families and has been 'a disaster' in many cases.

Ireland: Farmers are backing pre-nuptial agreements to prevent farms being broken up Patryk Kosmider

Support from the farming community comes despite opposition from the Catholic Church. John Comer, president of the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association, said that families are filled with horror at the idea that a wife could walk off with half of a farm's assets. He said: 'That scenario, or even the possibility of that scenario, can cause huge tension within farm families and the notion that such a disaster for the whole family can be avoided by setting in place a pre-nuptial agreement will be extremely popular with farm families.'

Amendments to Family Law Act

The proposal is also supported by the Irish Farmers Association. Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald is now investigating the possibility of bringing in new laws which would back up the growing trend of families to have their own private pre-nuptial agreements. Proposals have been made to introduce the changes by amendments to the Family Law Act 1995 and the Family Law (Divorce) Acts 1996. Source: Irish Independent

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