Client confidentiality in the spotlight

With growing technology innovations, in-house lawyers in particular must do more to guarantee clients' privacy, according to Recommind senior discovery counsel Philip Favro.

In-house lawyers must do more to guarantee clients' privacy. SvitDen

At the techshow, Favro gave spoke on where there are weak spots in client confidentiality, thanks to technology such as social networking, cloud services and increased reliance on mobile devices as well as email.  He called the seminar “Corrosion of Confidentiality: How Technology Threatens Privilege.”  Favro cautioned in-house lawyers and said: “Email invites additional scrutiny because it provides an amazing snapshot of what happens in a company.”  Favro said to protect their clients’ interests, corporate counsel should formulate a strict, enforceable policy concerning email communication and retention.  Source: ABA Journal

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