Legal profession urged to do more to tackle its drug problem

The legal sector has been 'sticking its head in the sand' about its drug issues, according to Dr Robert Fisher, head of the Department of Psychiatry, St Vincent's Clinic and Private Hospital in Australia.

Davydenko Yuliia

He said: 'I don't think enough has been done. That is not to say that nothing has been done. This is a problem that the legal profession in Australia recognises but finds difficult to manage.' A lawyer who used to work at the DPP pleaded guilty for cocaine use last week in Australia and there have been rumours about cocaine use among some senior lawyers in the profession.

Further steps

Dr Fisher has been advising the Law Society and Bar Council in New South Wales for many years. He recommends that the bodies take further steps, including greater education and a statement on drug use in the professional standards. Source: Lawyers Weekly

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