Chatbot entrepreneur builds free tool for law firms

The 20-year-old student entrepreneur whose robot lawyer has successfully defeated millions of dollars in parking tickets is working on a free tool that will enable law firms to build their own robot lawyers.

Joshua Browder made headlines earlier this year with his website DoNotPay. The service uses a chatbot, a program which carries out a simulated conversation with human website users, to automatically draft parking ticket appeal documents.

No technical knowledge required

Mr Browder told the Law Society Gazette that he believes a large number of legal documents can be automated, ‘so I am building a tool that requires no technical knowledge to create a bot in exchange for a link back to the firm’s website. This will enable me to expand the service from half a dozen bots to a thousand.’

Mr Browder has received approaches from several US law firms and expects a similar level of interest from UK legal services providers.

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