Benjamin Docquir

Benjamin Docquir

Benjamin Docquir is a lawyer admitted with the Brussels Bar (Belgium). He is a data protection and digital law expert with a future-focussed mindset and a passion for innovation. He has a particular interest in data, software and databases. He notably works with his clients to help turn those into valuable assets. He heads the Brussels IP, IT & Data team of Osborne Clarke in Brussels.

Contributed Articles


Artificial Intelligence | 1mo

Chapter: EU

This second edition, written by leading AI legal specialists, provides answers and insight on how to integrate Artificial Intelligence into business operations, whilst working within the relevant law and guidelines in key jurisdictions around the world. It also provides pragmatic and clear guidance...

Chapter: Belgium

This second edition, written by leading AI legal specialists, provides answers and insight on how to integrate Artificial Intelligence into business operations, whilst working within the relevant law and guidelines in key jurisdictions around the world. It also provides pragmatic and clear guidance...

Chapter: Belgium

This first edition, written by leading AI legal specialists, provides answers and insight on how to integrate Artificial Intelligence into business operations, whilst working within the relevant law and guidelines in key jurisdictions around the world. It also provides horizon-scanning guidance on ...
