Dr Raphael Nusser

Dr Raphael Nusser

Dr Raphael Nusser is an experienced attorney at law, admitted to all Swiss courts. He is active in trademark, copyright, design, media, IT, advertising and unfair competition law matters as well as in the drafting of contracts (licensing, co-operations, R&D franchising, etc.). At PRINS, Raphael has successfully represented half a dozen clients in trademark, company name, unfair competition and copyright infringement matters before the Commercial Courts of Zurich and Argovia. Despite having a very strong success rate in court, Raphael always favours out-of-court amicable settlements as a certified mediator (Swiss Chamber of Commercial Mediation, Co-Head of the IP practice group), ensuring better legal security and financial results for his clients. Raphael has worked in the first tier IP departments of big Zurich law firms Lenz & Staehelin and Bär & Karrer, before becoming partner in another firm and finally founding PRINS IP, with his two colleagues Dr Bruno Meyer and Mirko Boedecker. Raphael has been elected by the board of Innosuisse, Switzerland’s Innovation Agency, with funds of 250 million Swiss Francs, to support start-ups, as IP Special Coach IP, Licensing and M&A. As Innosuisse special coach, Raphael Nusser has, in the last three years been, entrusted by over 25 start-ups in different fields of technology with their national and global IP strategy. As an IP M&A lawyer, Raphael Nusser regularly supports local Swiss law firms in IP matters and helps with the IP due diligence. In the last 10 years, Raphael Nusser has been involved in more than 100 transactions, many of them with a value of over one billion Swiss Franc.


Intellectual Property | 2mos

Chapter: Switzerland

This first edition of the Intellectual Property Law Over Borders Comparative Guide provides insight into how businesses can obtain, protect and enforce their intellectual property rights in a range of jurisdictions. Written by experts and practitioners, details are provided on the legal framework an...
