Masaki Mikami

Masaki Mikami

Masaki Mikami is a qualified IP attorney in Japan and has been registered to practice as an IP litigator since 2004. As a founder of MARKS IP LAW FIRM, he concentrates his practice on the field of trademark law, providing trademark legal services to individuals and businesses. Aside from 20 years in the trademark world, his decade of experience in global marketing for Mitsubishi Electric has enabled him to understand and anticipate the commercial needs of his patrons, and act as a successful negotiator on their behalf. He has been identified by WIPR leaders as one of the leading trademark practitioners in Japan since 2022, and recently by WTR 1000 as a Silver Band individual for trademark enforcement and litigation, as well as trademark prosecution and strategy in Japan.


Luxury Law | 8mos

Chapter: Japan

This third edition provides answers and insight into how luxury businesses can protect their brands in a range of jurisdictions. Written by experts, topics include the protection of intellectual property using trademark, copyright or design; privacy; product placement; and the protection of corporat...
