Bureaucrat mafia controversy hits Korean law firms

There are 177 former government officials acting as consultants or other advisers to the top ten Korean law firms, according to government agencies.

There are 177 former government officials acting as consultants or other advisers to the top ten Korean law firms, according to government agencies. Sean Pavone

The revelation - backed up by details disclosed on the websites of the practices - follows on from the ‘bureaucrat mafia’ scandal which recently hit the country when collusion was revealed between government and business. Kim & Chang has 66 of the former officials on board. Bae, Kim & Lee has 31. The top three agencies involved are, in order of numbers of ex-officials involved, the National Tax Service, the Financial Supervisory Service and the Fair Trade Commission. Bird & Bird recently signed a co-operation deal with one of the firms involved, Hwang, Mok & Park. Source: Korea IT Times

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