Burnout and stress hit 73pc of lawyers

Long hours is blamed as the main cause (by 58% of respondents), followed by difficult clients (38%) and constant interruptions (35%), among the 1,000 UK partners, associates and trainees polled in the survey published in The Lawyer.

Stress management Filipe Frazao

Difficult bosses and strained relationships with peers are also common problems. The most stressed age group is found among young lawyers in their 20s - while those in their 30s are the happiest. The research was carried out by law firm gunnercooke. 

Constant access to emails

Sandi Mann, psychologist at the University of Central England, said: 'In these times of austerity, workload has increased across the board and so employees are having to take work home with them, or even on holiday, in order to get everything done. Having constant access to emails on mobiles, laptops and tablets also means it’s difficult for people to switch off from work.' Source: The Lawyer

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