Dentons extends global coverage of Whistleblowing tool

Expansion of Dentons' interactive whistleblower systems tool extends coverage to 73 countries, and it's free!


Dentons has expanded its online comparative Whistleblower Systems tool to add a further 36 countries. The additional content was developed in collaboration with the Nextlaw Referral Network.

Free tool

The free comparative online tool allows the user to look up and compare regulations regarding whistleblower systems at a glance, including protection of personal data, reporting process and language requirements. Users can compare and contrast up to three countries at a time and immediately share these via email with their colleagues. The platform leverages Dentons’ unique global presence to provide information on 73 countries around the world.  Further countries will be added in the coming months. Nextlaw Referral Network is an operating unit of Nextlaw Enterprise, Dentons’ wholly owned innovation, advisory and technology subsidiary, which the firms says now represents the largest global network with over 670 members across 205 countries.


Rainer Markfort, corporate partner in Berlin and co-head of the Dentons Europe compliance group, commented “Creating solutions for clients that really add value is about identifying needs, collaborating with lawyers around the globe and using technology to determine the most effective and efficient solution. We are really pleased to have teamed up with the Nextlaw Referral Network firms to bring this expanded solution to clients across the globe.” Jeff Modisett, ceo of Nextlaw Referral Network, commented “Part of our vision at Nextlaw Referral Network is to identify and co-develop useful technologies that can provide both Dentons and our members with a significant strategic and competitive advantage. Our goal is to help champion the world’s law firms and help lead the advancement of innovation across our global profession.” The Whistleblower System tool was first launched in January 2019 and is available free here.

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