DLA Piper to launch Casablanca office

DLA Piper is to launch an office in Morocco, the firm's first base on the continent, ahead of its planned move into South Africa in 2016

Former Clifford Chance counsel Christophe Bachelet is to lead the new office, along with partner Mehdi Kettani, who joins from local firm Kettani Associés. Mr Bachelet is experienced in Moroccan corporate work, while Mr Kettani focuses on arbitration, litigation and regulatory matters.

African network

DLA Piper announced earlier this year that it was dissolving its alliance with South African firm Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr and intended to establish its own office in Johannesburg. The two offices in Africa will work with the firm’s Paris base, as well as the 15 firms that are members of the DLA Piper Africa Group.


Commenting on DLA's African strategy, Simon Levine and Jay Rains, Global Co-CEOs of DLA Piper, said Morocco and South Africa were 'amongst the strongest economic bases in Africa for many of our clients. Our strategy is driven by the needs of our clients so it makes absolute sense for us to open our own offices in both countries. Having an office in Casablanca is crucial to the continued development of our business in Francophone Africa and establishing our own presence in Johannesburg will enable us to better serve our clients there and beyond. These new steps align with and complement our existing Africa Group and the next steps in our plan to truly establish the DLA Piper brand across the continent.'

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