DWF launches specialist business division

The law firm is expanding through technology and business advisory services.


Fast expanding law firm DWF has launched a new specialist business division, Connected Services, as it continues to evolve its service delivery model as part of wider strategic growth plans. As a stand-alone company, Connected Services forms an umbrella over a range of complementary specialist business solutions, as well as consultative services and products, that sit alongside DWF's core legal offering. Launched in response to growing demand from the business's clients, the new business division will see DWF diversify its offering and expand its remit into research & development, technology incubation and the creation of a suite of commercially-focused business solutions.


Andrew Leaitherland, DWF Managing Partner and CEO, said: 'This is a milestone for DWF and very much reflects the strategic direction of the business. Our aim is first and foremost about finding the best ways to solve our clients' challenges, so by introducing a wider range of solutions and technologies to sit under one roof with our legal offerings, we are better equipped to support our clients in a more holistic way.'

In-house advocacy

Each solution within Connected Services is underpinned by unique delivery models and technology solutions, and focuses on taking a new approach to solving clients' core challenges around cost, time, resource, risk and reputation. Connected Services also includes DWF's in-house advocacy team, an new independent claims management business, a forensic accountancy arm, and a suite of resourcing and consultancy solutions.

New ideas incubator

A key piece of Connected Services will be the launch of a new ideas incubator, DWF Ventures. Wholly-owned by DWF and entirely unique in the legal market, the innovation company will focus on driving client-focused research and development opportunities and nurturing early-growth services. DWF's Development Director Jonathan Patterson will take on the role of Managing Director and Head of Development of DWF Ventures. 

Tech consultancy

The Connected Services launch also sees the formal introduction of tech consultancy DWF 360. Initially acquired as part of Triton Global, the IT solutions and software business provides a variety of technology solutions to help clients streamline their systems and processes and will play a key role in driving innovation through DWF.

Genuine added value

Jason Ford, DWF partner and former COO of Triton Global, which was acquired by DWF in January 2017, will lead the new venture as Head of Connected Services. He said: 'This platform will allow us to offer genuine added value to clients, which in turn allows us to build more collaborative relationships and understand their businesses in a new way. We’re led by our clients, so the offerings within Connected Services are all very flexible and scalable to what they need, whether that's a standalone solution or a more bespoke combination of resources.  As DWF continues to operate on an increasingly global scale, being able to offer this full-service approach will be a key driver of growth and a real differentiator in the market.'

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