Houthoff appoints co-managing partner after death of incumbent

Litigator assumes role after period of 'much sadness and grief' for firm as it also appoints new US head
Hans Londonck Sluijk

Hans Londonck Sluijk: credited with 'a strong view' on the firm's strategy as an independent Dutch law firm

Houthoff has appointed a new co-managing partner following the unexpected death of one of its leaders as the retirement of its New York office’s founding partner also sparks a leadership change in the US.

Litigator Hans Londonck Sluijk is stepping up to be one of the firm’s three co-leaders after the unexpected death of Gerhard Gispen in May; at the same time corporate and M&A head Alexander Kaarls takes over from Helena Sprenger as New York leader.

Londonck Sluijk, who has been at Houthoff for 28 years, joins the firm’s other managing partners, Edward de Bock and Albert Knigge, on the board after a period of ‘much sadness and grief’ for the firm which said it would miss Gispen, a top insolvency lawyer, ‘for a very long time’.

Londonck Sluijk, who specialises in advising on international disputes and investigations, has served a number of terms as head of litigation at Houthoff.

He is regarded as an expert in insurance and reinsurance issues in the field of D&O, professional and financial institutions liability and fraud insurance.

De Bock said: “Hans has extensive management experience and a strong view on our firm's strategy as an independent Dutch law firm with a dedicated international focus.”

Meanwhile in New York, Sprenger’s retirement from the office she founded eight years ago has sparked the appointment of Kaarls , who is head of corporate and M&A, as the partner responsible for New York.

The former Skadden lawyer will divide his time between New York and Amsterdam with arbitration specialist Bouke Boersma leading the office’s six-lawyer team as resident counsel.

Sprenger founded the office in 2012 after a long career at Allen & Overy and advised on The Netherlands and Dutch Caribbean corporate and banking law.

De Bock said: “She built our US presence from scratch and leaves us with a strong presence in New York. A thriving Dutch Caribbean law practice has grown to great value under her leadership, in addition to the Dutch law and EU regulatory work done by our New York-based attorneys.”

Next month the office is moving to One Rockefeller Plaza from Tower 45 near Times Square.

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