Ireland leads the world as female lawyers outnumber males

The country has released new statistics showing that women are now on top in the Emerald Isle.

Ireland: Now leading the world on female solicitors yykkaa

Ireland could be the first country in the world where female solicitors now outnumber male solicitors. New statistics from the The Law Society of Ireland reveal that there are 4,623 practising female solicitors, compared to 4,609 male solicitors. Its Director General, Ken Murphy, told the Irish Law Gazette: 'Lady Justice is blind, and all are equal before the law. Being a solicitor takes intelligence, determination and hard work. Gender doesn’t come into it, nor should it. However, I do think this current balance is something we can be proud of: that within 90-odd years, women have moved from being excluded from our profession to a point of perfect equality.'  Source: Euronews

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