Irwin Mitchell promotes six women in round of 13

Irwin Mitchell has promoted thirteen to the partnership in this year's round, six of them women.

The figure represents a significant leap on 2015 when seven lawyers were made up – though notably six of those promoted were female also.

A focus on personal legal services

Irwin Mitchell’s personal legal services division is to have eight new partners, its business legal services division four and its asset management department one. The firm focused on practices including banking and finance, corporate and commercial, personal injury, public law and real estate in its offices throughout the UK.  

The round includes chartered financial planner Ed Tomlinson’s appointment to associate director, the partner-level equivalent for non-lawyers.


The promotions follow Irwin Mitchell’s merger last year with law firm Thomas Eggar, which gave combined revenues of £250m, and its 2014 acquisition of Mayfair boutique Berkeley Law.

The promotions take effect on 1 May.

The list in full:


Rohan Campbell, banking and finance

Jennifer Lund, personal injury

Paul Smith, corporate and commercial


Andrew Buckham, personal injury

Justine Spencer, personal injury


Polly Sweeney, public law

Charlotte Waite, court of protection


Rob Laugharne, corporate and commercial


Tim Annett, personal injury

Ed Tomlinson, chartered financial planner (asset management)


James Knowles, real estate

Claire Newstead, personal injury


Katie Thackray, court of protection

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