Law firm 'blame game' over US$456b bridge deal

A war of words has broken out between a Kenyan law firm and its client, a Chinese construction company, over the loss of a multi-billion contract to build a pipeline in Kenya.

A Kenyan law firm has been blamed by its client, a Chinese construction company, for losing a multi-billion contract to build a pipeline in Kenya. Niyazz

China Wu Yi, the engineering and construction company, claimed Kenya-based SO Owino and Associates presented certain documents which were unhelpful to its case to the Public Procurement Administrative and Review Board. China Wu Yi says that it did not realise that SO Owino had the documents and it says it would not have allowed it to forward the documents to the Board, had it been aware. 

Blame game

The law firm responded to its client, by saying: ‘We shall not indulge in blame games. Suffice to say that the said documents were forwarded to us by your agents, particulars whereof you are well aware.’ The contract is for the building of a 500 kilometre oil pipeline stretching from Mombassa to Nairobi. The documents related to the bid made by another player, Zakhem International. Zakhem won the contract. Source: Standard Digital News

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