Qatar hires US legal heavyweight on $2.5 million contract

The law firm of former US senator and US Attorney General John Ashcroft has been appointed to help the Qatar Government to advise on its crisis including legal work on international counter-terrorism finance laws.

Qatar hires US legal and political heavyweight sophiejames

Former US senator and US Attorney General under President George W Bush, John Ashcroft, is to guide Qatar amid a diplomatic crisis in the Middle East whereby its neighbours accuse the country of supporting terrorism. Countries which have turned their backs on Qaar include Saudi Arabia and the Untied Arab Emirates which claim Qatar is supporting terrorism and destabilising the region with ties tio Iran.


The move is set to be a lucrative one with Mr Ashcroft's firm said to be charging Qatar $2.5 million to cover the firm's first 90 days of expenses with Mr Ashcroft taking the lead on this project ‘given the urgent need to commence work’ with the firm adding it will make the project a ‘top priority.’ The firm also said it would provide Qatari officials with ‘comprehensive strategic advice, legal counsel, support and representation related to confirming, educating, assessing and reporting on efforts to combat global terrorism’ and advise them on America's anti-terrorism finance laws and Treasury regulations.

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