Top Asia firm jumps into Burma and Cambodia

One of Asia's biggest local law firms expanded even further with yesterday's announcement that Rajah & Tann is to open in Burma and Cambodia.
Cambodia: on the global legal profession map

Cambodia: on the global legal profession map

The 63-year-old Singapore-based firm – which has more than 300 lawyers and an existing network of six regional offices – is taking over two firms in the countries: NK Legal in Burma and Sok & Heng in Cambodia.

Seamless service

The Burma office will be led by U Nyein Kyaw, while the Cambodia outpost will be headed by the existing firm’s founding partners: Sok Khavan and Heng Chhay. According to a Rajah & Tann statement, the move makes the practice ‘the only Singapore law firm with physical presence and full-service capabilities in the key emerging markets in Asia’.
Managing partner Lee Eng Beng SC, said: ‘Our goal has been to create an Indochina network of law practices so that we can serve our clients seamlessly regardless of where they are based in the region. These recent expansions are in line with this regional strategy. Our presence in these countries underscores our commitment to be the Asian counsel of choice in Asia.’

South Africa link

Meanwhile, leading Canadian law firm Fasken Martineau tied the final knots on its merger with Johannesburg-based Bell Dewar.
The marriage was originally announced last autumn and will see the Toronto-based firm have more than 80 lawyers based in South Africa. Commented Fasken Martineau managing partner David Corbett: ‘This merger speaks both to the power of our brand and to the expanded capabilities and services we now offer to our global clients in Africa and beyond.’

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