Washington DC pays the best average legal salaries

Montana, Wyoming and Kentucky lawyers fare less well, earning half what their Washington colleagues take home.

Montana: the worst place to be a lawyer kan_khampanya

Lawyers in Washington DC earn more on average than elsewhere in the US with an average salary of $162,800, according to MarketWatch.com. At the bottom of the list is Montana where lawyers earn $75,460 annually. The figures revealed that California is the best paying state with lawyers earning $155,750, closely followed by New York at $153,490.

Top five states based on average salary

California $155,750 

New York $153,490 

Delaware $152,490 

Connecticut $139,920 

Georgia $137,280 

Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2013 

Bottom five states by salary

Montana $75,460 

Wyoming $89,280 

Kentucky $90,200 

West Virginia $90,240 

North Dakota $90,850 

Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2013 

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