Zimbabwe releases human rights lawyer

A high-profile human rights lawyer has today been released on bail by Zimbabwe's top court following a week-long scandal which has turned the spotlight back on President Robert Mugabe's security forces.

Zimbabwe: lawyer released on bail

Beatrice Mtetwa was finally freed after an earlier decision was set aside by High Court Judge Joseph Musakwa in Harare, reports Yahoo News.


Ms Mtetwa was arrested last week on a visit to clients who stand accused of running an NGO and impersonating police officers in order to compile corruption and criminal dossiers against government officials.
Several human rights organisations called on Zimbabwean authorities and President Robert Mugabe to release Ms Mtetwa, while the Law Society of England and Wales claimed that the arrest of Ms Mtetwa did not comply with United Nations basic principles on the role of lawyers.
The bail hearing for Ms Mtetwa’s clients - four aides of Mugabe rival Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai – is expected to be held tomorrow.

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