Supreme Court 'has failed throughout American history'

A leading academic has attacked the Supreme Court, saying it needs major reforms.

The Supreme Court has come under criticism Orhan Cam

The Dean of the University of California’s law school has attacked the Supreme Court. Erwin Chemerinsky, who has written a leading textbook  on constitutional law, says of the Court: ‘We should realize that this is an emperor that truly has no clothes. For too long, we have treated the Court is if they are the high priests of the law, or at least as if they are the smartest and best lawyers in society.’ His book – The Case Against the Supreme Court – says the court has 'frequently failed throughout American history at its most important tasks, at its most important moments. This is not easy for me to conclude or to say.'

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Mr Chemerinsky says that it needs to be reformed with merit selection committees for judges. He also advocates  more candor in the confirmation process and proposes a constitutional amendment to have defined term limits for the justices – with 18 year terms the maximum. Source: Washington Post

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