Tommy Chen

Tommy Chen

Tommy Chen is an experienced intellectual property and technology lawyer at Allens, with more than 12 years of experience in the UK and Australia. Tommy has particular expertise in the IP aspects of mergers and acquisitions, public and private capital raisings, joint ventures and strategic investments. He also has significant experience advising on IP licensing, franchising arrangements and research and development collaborations, as well as corporate IP governance. Tommy has acted for clients in disputes relating to patents, trade marks, copyright, confidential information, and software licensing. Tommy has recognised expertise in issues such as open-source software, artificial intelligence and standards essential patents. He is also experienced in biodiscovery and biosecurity matters, and the IP aspects of international trade law and free trade agreements. Tommy holds a postgraduate diploma from Oxford University in intellectual property, and is also qualified as a solicitor-advocate in England and Wales. Tommy is currently the vice chair of the standing committee on trade marks of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), and the honorary secretary of the AIPPI Australia Committee.


Intellectual Property | 1mo

Chapter: Australia

This first edition of the Intellectual Property Law Over Borders Comparative Guide provides insight into how businesses can obtain, protect and enforce their intellectual property rights in a range of jurisdictions. Written by experts and practitioners, details are provided on the legal framework an...
