Ye Rin Yoo

Ye Rin Yoo

Ye Rin Yoo is a Senior Associate at Allens, specialising in the protection and enforcement of trade marks. Ye Rin has experience in managing international trade mark portfolios and conducting trade mark matters in Australia and New Zealand, including conducting trade mark clearance searches, prosecuting trade mark applications, conducting trade mark oppositions and non-use removal actions, and providing trade mark infringement, consumer law, passing off and other strategic advice. Ye Rin is also a member of committees of The Institute of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys of Australia (IPTA).


Intellectual Property | 2mos

Chapter: Australia

This first edition of the Intellectual Property Law Over Borders Comparative Guide provides insight into how businesses can obtain, protect and enforce their intellectual property rights in a range of jurisdictions. Written by experts and practitioners, details are provided on the legal framework an...
