Australian law firms in bullying epidemic

Not only are Australian lawyers facing bullying allegations but its BigLaw firms are seen as male-dominated.

Australian firms are under the spotlight for bullying Nito

Law firm bullying is rampant in Australian, with half its women lawyers complaining they have been bullied or intimidated in the workplace.The report  by the Law Council of Australia revealed an ‘alarming’ number of lawyers had experienced bullying at their firms with one in three men also reporting that they were victims, according to Lawyers Weekly. Furthermore, over half the women reported being discriminated against with one in four pointing to family or carer responsibilities. Larger law firms are blamed for having the top rates of discrimination and sexual harassment and were accused as having a male-dominated culture which promoted men over women in the job stakes. In contrast only one in ten men complained of gender discrimination. Over 1000 lawyers were surveyed by the Law Council of Australia.Source:

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