Chinese lawyer tortured to death

A 30-year old lawyer from East Turkestan has died after being held by the authorities and, when released to her family, being unable to stand and being covered in 'wounds all over her body'.

A 30-year old lawyer from East Turkestan has died after being held by the authorities. Geschaft

Gulnar Abdulahat leaked video footage in 2013 of the trial of a client who was sentenced to death. She had complained that her client was not receiving a fair trail and so leaked the footage in order to publicise that. After the leak, Ms Abdulahat was removed from the trial and arrested. The videos were traced and deleted. After numerous requests from her family, she was finally released in a very poor physical condition. All of her nails had been removed. She had a swollen face and was covered in wounds. A few days later, on March 10, she died. According to RFA radio, her parents were arrested by the authorities after her death and are still in custody. Source: World Bulletin Net.

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