Divorce firm defends 'men only' stance

Boca Raton-based law firm Kenny Leigh and Associates is doing so well with its rule on serving male clients only that it is considering opening more offices in Florida.

Kenny Leigh and Associates divorce practice defends its 'men only' stance ArtFamily

Lawyer Temi Zeitenberg said: 'It's pretty clear that the firm is focused on men’s rights only and we only represent men….A lot of courts have leaned toward the mother. And it is not supposed to be that way. Fathers want a fair shake…Sometimes we get a mixed reaction when we tell people. Some people think it is discriminatory and that we dislike women which is absolutely not the case.' Mr Zeitengerg opened the office in Boca Raton in April and is hiring more lawyers and looking at opening other offices - possibly in Fort Lauderdale and Miami. Source: WiBW

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