Ex-railways chief 'ditched' in court by lawyers

Professor Clive Chirwa, formerly the chief executive officer of Zambia Railways Limited, has 'ditched' lawyers engaged to defend him from corruption charges.

Professor Clive Chirwa was 'ditched' by lawyers http://ukzambians.co.uk/home/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/chirwa.jpg

His lawyers, from Simeza, Sangwa and Associates, did not appear in Lusaka magistrates court, as arranged.  He then engaged Mulilo Kabesha, the lawyer representing his co-defendant. The case was then adjourned so that his new lawyer could obtain documents form Simeza, Sangwa. Professor Chirwa is charged under 28 (1) of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Act number 3 of 2012. Source: UK Zambians

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