Indian lawyers ramp up anti-Sri Lanka protests

More than 300 lawyers in the Indian city of Coimbatore marched from the court complex to attack the Income Tax Office as part of on-going anti-Sri Lanka protests in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu.

Coimbatore: lawyers make a statement to UN

The lawyers were urging India to make sure that US-sponsored resolutions against Sri Lanka are adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Session in Geneva today and not diluted in any way, reports The Hindu. However, the UN has now passed a 'watered down' version of the resolution, according to a BBC report.

Independent inquiry

The lawyers are also demanding an international independent inquiry into alleged war crimes, human rights violations and ‘genocide’ of the Tamil race in the name of civil war against terrorism.
Tamil Nadu has been in a state of outrage for more than a week in the run-up to the UN meeting with thousands of students taking part in hunger strikes, while lawyers boycotted courts to take part in demonstrations.

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