Japanese firm in IT start-up first with Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi

A medium-sized, Osaka-based law firm specialising in IP is setting up a joint programme with BoT-M, through which it will help to protect the products and systems of SMEs and venture companies in the high-tech sector.

Traditional banks are not yet a common financing source for SMEs in Japan cowardlion

Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi (BoT-M) is taking on a role that is usually performed by the Japanese government, providing start-up finance and help to well-regarded new operations. Shusaku Yamamoto - with its team of 30 lawyers and 140 other staff - will assist the bank in determining the commercial value of the IP assets of the businesses. 


John Tessensohn, a director in the law firm, said: 'We’ve been banking with BoT-M for a long time and the business alliance grows out of a relationship based on mutual trust and loyalty.' Source: The Lawyer

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