Law firm subjected to identity fraud as lawyer details appear on fake site

Photographs and details of staff at Glasgow law firm Hughes Dowdall were copied onto the site of a non-existent firm called Damian Alden Law Chambers, which claimed to operate in London.

Qualified solicitors are increasingly being targeted by fraudsters using their details on fake law firm websites

The Law Society of Scotland has now reported the incident 'to the authorities' and is 'urging our members to be vigilant and to let us know if they find any illegitimate use of their details'. 


Michael Foster, senior partner at Hughes Dowdall, said: 'I am very concerned about this hi-jacking of our website and our personnel and the potential for damage to our hard-won reputation. It’s horrifying to think an unsuspecting and entirely innocent member of the public could be conned and suffer loss as a result of this.' Source: Scottish Legal News

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