Law firms lack social media policies

Law firms are taking huge risks by not training their lawyers on social media nor ensuring they have training.

Law firms are not training their lawyers about social media rawpixel

Law firms need to set social media policies for their lawyers and offer training to avoid risking their reputations. However, 42 per cent of firms have no policies whilst 53 per cent fail to provide any social media training at all. The report, by the Managing Partner Forum, found that only 18.9 percent of law firms are investing heavily in their social media presence. Firms with more than 100 attorneys were the most likely to require social media training for staff and attorneys, with 20 percent reporting mandatory training. More than half of law firms with fewer than 20 lawyers lack law firm LinkedIn pages, a total of 45.6 percent of law firms have Facebook pages, while only about a third have law firm Twitter accounts. Source: Jaffe PR

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