Lawyers advise Iran on nuclear arms deal

Iran's negotiating team is being helped by 'an advisory group in legal affairs' as it moves to negotiate a deal on its nuclear weapons capacity with the UN Security Council.

Iran's negotiating team is being helped by 'an advisory group in legal affairs' as it moves to negotiate a deal on its nuclear weapons capacity with the UN Security Council. Natalia Bratslavsky

Iranian Foreign Minister  Mohammad Javad Zarif is leading the Iranian team and said: ‘In the next round, we will start writing the text of a final agreement which will be a complicated, difficult and slow task…Therefore, I formed an advisory group in legal affairs which comprises many prominent and well-known professors specialised in international law.’  Discussions are taking place in Vienna with representatives of the permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany.  Although the negotiations are not attracting the media spot light, they represent a crucial development - by attempting to negotiate away the development of nuclear weapons by Iran. Source: Business Standard

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