Middle East/Iran

IP firm Petošević merges with Middle Eastern service provider CWB Group

Two leading IP companies with roots in Eastern Europe and the Middle East combine to create

  • 1yr

US charges Iranians over $3.4 billion cyber theft campaign

The US has charged nine Iranians with theft of $3.4 billion in trade secrets, data and intellectual property.

  • 6yrs

Gide sets up in Tehran and boosts its presence in the Middle East

The French law firm is the first to obtain a licence to practice in the country.

  • 7yrs

Dentons announces local tie-up in Iran

Dentons is to become the fourth international law firm to break ground in the newly liberalised Iranian legal market.

  • 8yrs

Iran retains title as world's riskiest market for money laundering

The latest Money Laundering Risk Index from the Basel Institute on Governance has awarded its top spot to Iran for the third consecutive year.

  • 8yrs

Iran gets ready for business

Iran is back in the media again but this time it is for promoting business and attracting and welcoming foreign investors, says Shahrzad Atai who heads up Child & Child's Middle East practice.

  • 8yrs

Iran sees second international firm enter the market

Central Asian-based Colibri Law has become the second international law firm to establish a dedicated office in Tehran after partnering with local firm Gheidi & Associates.

  • 8yrs

CMS Hasche Sigle becomes first international firm to set up shop in Iran

The German arm of international law firm CMS has become the first foreign firm to open for business in Tehran, after the Obama administration lifted longstanding sanctions against the country two weeks ago.

  • 9yrs

Lawyers advise Iran on nuclear arms deal

Iran's negotiating team is being helped by 'an advisory group in legal affairs' as it moves to negotiate a deal on its nuclear weapons capacity with the UN Security Council.

  • 10yrs

UAE lawyers spot Iran opportunities

Patton Boggs and other law firms have been increasing their marketing to UAE-based businesses by highlighting opportunities in Iran now that sanctions have been slightly relaxed.

  • 10yrs

Businesses consult lawyers over Iran opportunities

Lawyers are increasingly being consulted over the potential opportunities in Iran as the prospects improve for the lifting of sanctions.

  • 11yrs

Lawyer's release suggests softer approach in Iran

The release of human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh is being taken as a sign of a less hardline stance by political leaders in Iran.

  • 11yrs

Iran vows to sue Hollywood over 'image distorting' films

Iran has hired controversial French lawyer Isabelle Coutant-Peyre to take legal action against Hollywood over several films - including recent Oscar-winner Argo - which they claim have portrayed the Islamic state in an unrealistic manner.

  • 11yrs

Bank ruling to trigger wave of suits over Iran sanctions

A European court has potentially fired the starting gun on landmark litigation over EU relations with Iran by ruling earlier this week that one of country's leading banks was unfairly caught in Brussels-dictated sanctions.

  • 12yrs

Missing a trick

Amid the clamour of politicking over Tehran's possible bid to build a nuclear weapon, sanctions are badly damaging potential European business opportunities in a large and vibrant Middle East market, suggests Shahrzad Atai

  • 12yrs

Tied up in knots

Iranian police have reacted to a new wave of 'un-Islamic dress' in Tehran by raiding shops selling men's ties and throwing women out of an international trade show.

  • 12yrs

Call for total reform of Iranian judiciary

Iran's judiciary requires a root-and-branch overhaul if international confidence is to be restored in the country's adherence to the rule of law, a leading group of civil society expatriates claimed today.

  • 12yrs