Malaysia Bar threatens US firms over missing plane advice

The Malaysian Bar has warned local families to be careful about using US law firms over the missing flight MH370 and has threatened the firms with legal action if they break a ban on foreign lawyers giving advice.

The Malaysian Bar has warned local families to be careful about using US law firms over the missing flight MH370 Niyazz

Christopher Leong, president of the Malaysian Bar’s council, said: ‘It is illegal for them to provide any kind of legal services in Malaysia, including legal advice.’ If foreign firms still proceed, he said: ‘They will be contravening our laws, including the Legal Profession Act.’ 

Professional indemnity

He continued: ‘We have already read in the news of an American law firm providing legal advice which resulted in a premature and wrong legal action or suit being commenced in America, which invited strong criticism and rebuke from an American court.’ If families do still use US firms, Mr Leong urged them to check the professional indemnity of these advisers to ensure that clients in Malaysia would be covered. Source: AsiaOne

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