NY lawyer negotiated with ISIS over hostage

The New York lawyer Stanley Cohen was involved in negotiations with terrorist organisation ISIS in a failed attempt to secure the release of aid worker Peter Kassig.

New York lawyer Stanley Cohen was involved in efforts to save US hostage Peter Kassig cocozero

Mr Cohen flew to Kuwait and Jordan in October where he talked to two clerics who made contact with ISIS. The FBI were aware of what he was doing, and were supportive. Mr Cohen's site gives a link to the Guardian newspaper which tells his story. Mr Cohen's site makes this statement: 'Talks to save Peter Abdul-Rahman Kassig went on for weeks, backed by U.S. The American aid worker was killed by his Isis captors on 16 November. Here, for the first time, is the story of an extraordinary effort to secure his release, which involved a radical New York lawyer, the US government, and the world’s most revered jihadi scholar.' Source: Stanley Cohen

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