Peformance bonuses for Australian gov lawyers

The Australian Government has paid out large bonuses to its best in-house lawyers.

Australian goverment lawyers are awarded with high performance bonuses Ivan Pavlov

The Australian Government Solicitor (AGS) paid out Aus$420,000 in performance bonuses on its 115-strong legal team in 2012/13 with the highest-flyers receiving over $40,000.Despite experiencing 'difficult trading conditions', the AGS revealed in its annual report that its revenue was nearly four per cent  higher than expected and that it made a profit of $6.1m. A highlight of the year was work on plain packaging for cigarette packets. The agency is one of the larger law departments in the country.  The top bonus paid out in 2012/13 was $59,700, up on last year's top payment of $49,835. For more information see The Australian and the AGS annual report.

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