Advertising Law

AI in advertising for luxury brands: the risks and rewards

With an eye on the UK market, Freeths’ Simon Barker and Chris Musgrave explain how to make the most of AI in advertising while managing possible IP pitfalls

  • 6mos

The luxury of menopausal beauty products – substantiated or just marketing?

Menopausal products are big business for brands. But Freeths legal beauty expert Iona Silverman explains how to balance product claims with the law

  • 7mos

AI, NFTs, Stradivarius violins and a fashion revolution at Wimbledon: more key takeaways from Luxury Law Summit London

Maura O’Malley reports from London’s premier luxury law conference, which explored how the sector is innovating

  • 7mos

In luxury, getting the right price can make all the difference

Taft Stettinius & Hollister lawyer Gene Zelek explains how luxury goods suppliers can use US and Canadian law to help them find and maintain the right price for their products

  • 7mos

The challenges of protecting quiet luxury brands

Quiet luxury’s subtle design elements require a specialised IP protection approach, writes Stobbs trademark attorney Gretha Cachia.

  • 7mos

Brands, beauty and big issues: high-profile US cases to watch in 2024

From fast fashion to sustainability, Foley & Lardner luxury lawyers Jeff Greene and Owen Miklos examine the key cases before US courts in 2024

  • 7mos

Substantiation is key for growing ‘invasive beauty and wellness’ market

With the increasing popularity of invasive beauty and wellness treatments, Freeth’s Eleanor Bradberry explains why luxury brands will need detailed evidence to support their claims.

  • 10mos

Amazon loses UK Supreme Court appeal on cross-border internet sales

UK’s highest court dismisses e-commerce giant’s appeal to lift injunction over cross-border trademark dispute

  • 11mos

Understanding green trademarks in China and Hong Kong

As green marks grow in advertising, DLA Piper lawyers Elizabeth Wong and Liam Blackford provide guidance on trademark rules in China and Hong Kong

  • 11mos

Court of Appeal green lights group claim against Marks & Clerk over commission payments

Case alleging secret client referral fees can proceed in first appellate ruling on representative actions since Lloyd v Google

  • 1yr

Monster Energy awarded extra $43m in false advertising dispute with rival

Extra damages brings award to a massive $336m in long-running dispute with Bang energy drink maker

  • 1yr

‘Diversity of teams means a diversity of thought’ - five takeaways from Luxury Law Summit London

Maura O'Malley identifies key themes that surfaced during a day of discussion and debate at Luxury Law Summit London

  • 1yr

Playing on-side at this year’s football world cup - FIFA’s advertising rights and rules

Freeths IP lawyers Iona Silverman and James Leavy discuss the stakes for revenue and recognition

  • 2yrs
  • 2yrs