Law schools out of step with changing marketplace

Professor Richard Susskind has highlighted the gap between innovation, law firm leaders, law schools and the pace of change.


Law schools are out of step with the legal marketplace, according to Professor Richard Susskind. The man who predicted the technological changes currently enveloping the legal profession 25 years ago was talking to Law Vox about innovation and the law.  He also said that the people who are most supportive of innovation in the profession often do not yet have the power to implement change. 


'If you don’t have a group of leaders within your business that are supportive of technology and you are sitting there as a junior lawyer who has all sorts of ideas for rethinking legal services … you’re probably not in the right business, he said. 'It’s very hard to manage upwards and to help fundamentally rejig, reorganise your firm if you’re a very junior partner or not a partner at all … Now is the time to think less about safety and more about legacy. What is it as a business that we’re leaving to the generation that’s coming through? … More often we call a firm innovative by referring to the group of people who happen to be running it at one point in time, who are forward-looking, and there’s not a lot you can do about that if you haven’t got that group of leaders. As I say, you may have to find a firm that actually does support new ideas and innovation and change,' he said. 

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