GCs critical to corporate sustainability

Global corporates have identified a key role for general counsel in corporate sustainability.

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General counsel have a critical role to play in the good governance of global businesses, according to a study by Linklaters which was launched last week at the UN Global Compact 15th anniversary celebration in New York. Carried out by Linklaters partner Tom Shropshire, the Guide for General Counsel on Corporate Sustainability interviewed lawyers from a wide spread of companies including Boeing and Unilever.


'Based on our interviews, we believe that there is convergence happening between the evolving role of the general counsel and corporate sustainability. Boards and the “C-Suite” are increasingly relying on their GC to be at the heart of a number of important legal and operational issues, many of which extend beyond the“traditional” remit of the GC. "Corporate sustainability” and “corporate strategy” are becoming intertwined and that gives the GC a real opportunity to drive both,' Mr Shropshire said. More than 8,000 companies are signatories to the Global Compact’s 10 principles, which cover human rights, the environment, labour and anti-corruption. 

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