Baker McKenzie launches new tool for class actions

Baker McKenzie has launched an interactive class action tool which provides information 'at a glance' on the key characteristics of collective action mechanisms in more than 25 countries.


The law firm is the latest to used technology-enabled tools for its clients. Baker McKenzie Class Action Group Co-Chair, Teresa Michaud said  the new product - Global Class Actions: Around the World - was ‘An effective litigation strategy across jurisdictions requires an appreciation of potential risk and recovery. The potential for litigation increases where collective actions are available and amplified further where opt out collective actions and factors that might encourage funding of litigation via that route are in play.’

Tailor information

The product allows users to tailor the information that they need to assess litigation risk or reward and determine if legal support may be required either to pursue or defend claims. It also permits users to compare positions on issues including: Mechanisms: whether opt in; opt out or representative bodies only; damages available, claimed and awarded; contribution as between defendants; scope of disclosure; costs and whether waivers are enforceable against consumers.

Updated regularly

The site produces both infographic and detailed tabular results that are updated regularly to feature details of recent enforcement.  Contacts for each jurisdiction are also provided should users wish to know more. Given the increasingly global nature of class actions, Baker McKenzie has also implemented the ability to customise enquiries and compare jurisdictions.

Multiple juristicion class actions a challenge

Speaking ahead of the launch, Baker McKenzie Antitrust Litigation Partner Francesca Richmond said: ‘Collective or ‘class’ actions come in many shapes and sizes - creating both an opportunity and a challenge when it comes to resolving mass claims that touch on multiple jurisdictions.  The ability to achieve final and global resolutions is increasing for both claimants and defendants, as collective actions are adopted in more jurisdictions.  However, successful navigation of this challenge requires an understanding of the complexity of rules in each jurisdiction, so a tool such as Global Class Actions: Around The World is already becoming a highly valued platform for our clients.’

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