PwC takes over team in immigration law firm

Accountancy giant PwC has established a new law firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers Immigration Law LLP, by taking in the staff and resources of the Bomza Law Group.

PwC has established an Immigration Law firm by absorbing Bomza Law group. Gordon Bell

An announcement was made in Toronto by PwC. Christopher Kong, PwC's national managing partner of tax services in Canada, said: 'With a range of global employment opportunities and the related complexities to employees and employers, an immigration law firm affiliated with PwC provides an opportunity to help our clients with the mobility of their people.'

Over 600 people

In an explanatory statement, PwC said: 'PricewaterhouseCoopers Immigration Law LLP is an immigration law firm affiliated with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP in Canada that provides clients strategic guidance and support in all aspects of Canadian, U.S. and global immigration. PricewaterhouseCoopers Immigration Law LLP is part of PwC's global immigration network with over 600 people in 126 countries.' Source: Digital Journal

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