Google cases prompt Indian judge IT education plan

The Law Ministry in India is planning courses for judges on cyber laws and IT-related cases after the judiciary was deemed to be struggling in handling cases relating to content on Google and Facebook.

Social media litigation is causing issues for the Indian judiciary scyther5

An official from the Ministry cited an example of a Delhi judge whose decisions against certain websites had to be overturned because of a lack of understanding of whether they were social networks or not. Conferences are to be held in early 2015 to help the judges understand developing issues on IP and on cyber laws. An official said: ‘Emergence of ICT technologies have also opened up new areas of litigation. The use of cyber technology for committing and detecting crime has also increased. The legal system of our country, including our procedural laws, have undergone significant changes to keep pace with technological developments. However, implementation of these laws poses serious challenges for the judiciary.’ Source: New Indian Express

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