K&S Partners

K&S Partners

K&S Partners is an Intellectual Property boutique. Founded in 1994 as a three-member team, the firm today has over 130 professionals and an overall strength of over 280.

We have offices at Gurgaon, Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad. We create client-focused teams to manage the portfolios. These teams, supervised by partners, work seamlessly and in coordination with focus on quality, ethics and promptness. Besides serving clients, the firm is recognized for its outreach in areas of policy making and actively participating and contributing to drafting of legislation in various areas of Intellectual Property rights.

K&S Partners also assists clients in obtaining and enforcing Intellectual Property rights in India's neighbouring countries such as Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan through a network of associates in these countries. The firm also has one of the largest portfolios of foreign patent filings for Indian clients in foreign countries including in the United States Patent and Trademark Office, European Patent Office and Japanese Patent Office.

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