New paperless system creates chaos in Indian Supreme Court

A newly introduced paperless e-court system causes chaos in the Supreme Court earlier this week as it experienced 'teething problems' with both lawyers and judges appearing confused - and lost.


The confusion came as a number of courts were functioning with only digital copies of petitions in new cases appearing before the judges on a monitor. The court unveiled a complete switchover to the digitised system in all new cases on Monday in the first five courts – as lawyers tried to settles back into business following the summer break. The new move means that lawyers have to file all documents electronically to ensure that judges examine them. But things did not run smoothly from the get-go with court assistants having to repeatedly help judges.

Lawyers lost

It was not just technology issues which had lawyers scratching their heads. An increase in litigation and resulting overcrowding led to a switch around of courtrooms - with many unable to find their way around the huge building. 

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